Sweet Summertime Wedding (Paris, Texas)


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June 12, 2024

My fourth sibling got married this past weekend, and I’m still in disbelief that she is old enough to do such a grown up thing. As we drove to the wedding, Isaac and I reminisced on years past. Rayen was only 8 years old when we began dating, and sometimes I feel like she should still be that crazy, goofy girl who was constantly wearing mismatched clothes. We used to call her a “desert-etarian” because if we let her, she would have eaten sugar for every meal. And our little Rayen was always the one we could count on to bring some fun and chaos to our family.

But looking at her now and seeing the beautiful young woman she has become brings tears to my eyes. She is still the goofy, caring and adventurous sister I grew up with, but she is also a spunky aunt, passionate for the Lord and now a beloved wife. Hayden sure hit the jackpot with her, if I say so myself.

Hayden and Rayen’s wedding was such a beautiful day spent surrounded by loved ones. The sisters all laughed and joked together as they got ready. The bridesmaids admired Rayen as she spun around in her dress. The groomsmen pumped up Hayden as he walked down the aisle. And the guests cheered and celebrated the newleyweds as they headed out to start their new life together. It was the perfect day!

I am so happy for them, and beyond thankful I got to capture their special day. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Todd!

Venue: Pathway Church of God
Reception: Cottonwood Wedding Venue
Dress: Simi Bridal Dresses
Coffee Bar: Mugs Coffee Shop

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