Catching Up!


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January 24, 2018

I know it’s been a long time since my last blog post, and I’m so happy to be back! Even though I may not have been posting here, trust me I kept busy. Between fall/Christmas mini sessions, weddings, portrait sessions, newborns, client consultations, countless emails and lots of prayer, the past few months have been (for lack of a better word) c-r-a-z-y.

These months of absence have also brought thousands of tears, hours of laughter, more sorrow than I’ve ever known, but also more joy than I’ve ever felt. I never knew I could grow so much in so little time. And I just have to say… I couldn’t have gotten through all of this without the Lord’s constant guidance, comfort, support and grace.

In the past two months:
I watched my business grow more that I ever thought it would.
Isaac and I shared in the joy of knowing we were going to be parents!
I shot thousands of pictures.
I met some amazing, honest, genuine clients for whom I will always be grateful.
I said goodbye to my Dad and Grandpa.
I gathered together with over 400 people to honor the two men who changed my life forever.
I cried and I laughed with my family.
We dug through old photos and I was reminded of why I do what I do.
Isaac and I told our parents they would be grandparents, and celebrated new life with them!
I’ve seen the joy of new life as I snuggled a newborn.
I watched two people come together before the Lord and say “I do”.
And I saw the peace that only the Lord gives when He calls His children home.

It’s been a tough holiday season. But thanks to the Lord even in the midst of sorrow it was full of joy.

But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

So after a long couple of months of absence, I’m so excited to be back. I’m looking forward to all the amazing things I know 2018 has in store. I can’t wait to celebrate new moments in life with my clients. Watch two families become one. See the freshness of new life in a newborn. Love on the little babies, and play around with the kids. Capture moments in time we’ll never get back. And help create memories families will cherish forever.

Here’s to a new year, a fresh start, and continuing the legacy my Dad and Grandpa began decades ago. I love you guys and I can’t wait to come alongside you once again to share the amazing things happening over here at Becca Sue Photography. <3


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